more cathartic releases

Man I’ve really dropped the blogging habit. I have been fairly busy with life lately. Work has really picked up- I’m now doing 4 days public/2 days private practice and its been an absolute blast so far. Its certainly really keeping me on my toes right now. One thing I really like is that I…

Cathartic release.

Haven’t really let out a good cathartic blog in awhile.What has happened? I’ve been super busy the last few weeks and in a good way. Update- now in a bad way. Updates- parenting- its harder than I thought it was- its ridiculously rewarding but its also ridiculously draining- the good thing is that I can…

rage against the CDN cell phone

So its been awhile since I have posted a rage post. I’ve been pretty good really overall and there has not been anything really rage inducing. In fact the last time I was this rageful was regarding the very reason why I am rageful right now- my cell phone carrier. If I was to bring…


I’ve done repairs on my Sony VAIO so many times and it usually doesn’t bother me because I am able to fix it everytime. I cannot fix it now. It has a problem with shutting down randomly and barely two minutes into boot up or in BIOS indicating a hardware problem. I suspect the VAIO…


I’m going to try to keep this professional since this is the world wide web and I have no idea who is reading this but a few things: 1. AMD WTF WTF WTF. For some reason AMD’s Catalyst display controller makes it a ridiculous puzzle to try to make a display connect through HDMI. A…

>Banff Camping- More pics to come.

>So I didnt update for a bit, but in the past two weeks I have been quite the busy bunny. In fact right now I am wondering how I am going to fall asleep,a s I am freaking wide awake. I was just watching somebody’s graduation video with “time of your life” playing, and now…

>Hi. Summer is officially here!

> Wow, what a week. So normally I would have had a really big 32 font size- OMG I AM DONE FINALS, but I was so tired from staying up this week, that I just slept. Basically last week was a big gong show with lots of stress, no sleep, and staying up all night…

>I’m having the best day ever

> Well today was almost another What is it? Asshole Day? sort of days but after some careful consideration, I decided that those days are over. Well sort of. Anyways lets do a recap of what has happened the past few weeks. Lots of projects. Lots of stupid group projects. Also lots of stupid group…


>This is the worst week of my life. I swear they could have spread out my schedule a little bit. If they know this is the most stressful term of an Education student’s career, why would they put EVERYTHING on Thursday? I have a presentation on Wednesday, a huge Exam group package on Thursday, as…

>What is it? Asshole Week?

> O.k. so I lied, I need to type something other than about education cause this assignment is driving me insane. This week was crap. I don’t know what happened, but everything that could go wrong went wrong, just like Murphy’s law. Except instead of things going just wrong, I also had to deal with…