What am I listening to now?

Quick post- resurrected my NW-HD5 (again!) and its paired with my PHA-2 headphone amp and Beyerdynamic DT-1350. Not too shabby for sound at all. Feels nice to have something with physical media control buttons again. Today I am working on a document that is due right now. Its been some time where I have had…

Retro Review Sony Walkman NW-HD5 and NW-A3000 Review/Overview

Holy flashback Batman. Retro IRL review of the Sony NW-HD5 and the NW-A3000. Not a full review of the NW-A3000 because it doesn’t work and I only own it out of nostalgia and luck. The NW-HD5 Walkman dates back to 2007 when the iPod was all the rage (particularly the iPod Nano which had just come out) and…

>sigh, time for ipod heaven

>After spending just over 2 years pounding my iPod to my runs/workouts/everyday commuting between classes, the little guy has gone to iPod heaven. Or wherever iPods go when they die. Maybe even the trash. Its too bad though, cause this iPod has been with me everywhere, and it has the best user interface I’ve ever…

>Is this summer wicked? Yes, yes it is.

>So this summer promises to be one of the best summers ever (knock on wood). First; student teaching is awesome. I love it. Although there’s a lot more work involved than I thought would be, talking with some friends, we justified it, in the sense that it’s a job. No matter how much you love…

>Hi. Summer is officially here!

> Wow, what a week. So normally I would have had a really big 32 font size- OMG I AM DONE FINALS, but I was so tired from staying up this week, that I just slept. Basically last week was a big gong show with lots of stress, no sleep, and staying up all night…