Retro Retro Review- Toshiba Satellite M45

Toshiba Satellite M45 Laptop IRL Review- This is going to be a really really retro review- not that its the first time I have reviewed something old- its more that I am reviewing something that is totally removed from my stable. I’ve long since returned it to Staples and traded it for credit (to buy a…

Sony VAIO Duo 13 Hybrid Laptop/Tablet IRL Review

Sony VAIO Duo 13 Hybrid Laptop/Tablet Review– The Sony VAIO Duo 13 is a 2013 laptop hybrid that is a second generation Sony slider design (the first being the VAIO DUO 11 that came out a year before that). I was absolutely in love with the quirky design and after having it since January 2014,…

Logitech MX Anywhere Performance Mouse IRL review

Logitech MX Anywhere Performance Mouse IRL Review- The Logitech MX Anywhere is a portable mouse that was the first generation of its lineage (I believe it is now the MX Anywhere 2). I have had this for a good several years and that is about it. It is a portable laptop mouse that is pretty…

>Be still my beating heart. (and i love Java Jive)

> ^Is this not the sexiest laptop ever? EVAR? Zomg i want it. Too bad its a South Korea only product. And also, is the use of the word sexy with a technology product wrong? Laine told me she cringed when i said the Samsung p207 was sexy. She told me to stop. And like…