This term is going to be crazy.

Edit: NO GYM? NO PROBLEM. This week I went back to the weights and I came back stronger with quicker recovery- chest day, lower back and legs day were all very very strong for me- I finished quicker with 60 seconds between reps (thanks to the pressure from my stopwatch on the Nike+ Sportwatch) and…

Flying home

Well its been grand in Toronto. I have to say as much as I like going home I’m going to really miss it here. I’ve got a great family here that made it feel like a second home to me. Lots of feels. And of course I’ve got a boatload of work waiting for me…

Abs day

I’m really getting a hold of this workout without a gym routine. Today’s workout was abs. 540 reps of sit ups. Twenty seven sets of twenty reps with sixty second rests between sets. Feeling strong even as I pack on the holiday weight from all the amazing food I’m having over here with friends and…

Some supermarket shopping and more (!) speakers.

I also got super impressed by one of the older tai-chi practitioners I met today- his knuckles were callused to little plateaus. He told me he does four sets of 150 push ups every single day. It suddenly made my 300 push ups (declined with feet elevated off a bed) sound like crap. Really inspired…

Chest day on the go

With no gym equipment nearby chest day is push-ups. 300 push-ups with feet elevated off the guest bed. In thirtyish minutes. I got the pump. Posted from WordPress for Android