>i hate hate hate genetics.

>Just did my Genetics midterm today. it was as hard as it was when i withdrew from that course 3 years ago. Mind you I studied properly for it this time, as its an application type course and when I did it 3 years ago, I did ZERO practice problems. Stupid of me. Anyways this…

>gah sales!

> Oooooh look its the new Macbook Air, the world’s thinnest laptop. Unlike before, I do not feel like I have a huge inclination to buy a new Apple product. Usually I watch MacWorld and scream in delight at the new iPod, iPhone, iWhatever and get super excited. But this is like cool. No doubt….

>quickly quickly!

>i only have minutes to spare, to type this entry. I’m in a big rush and its due to Physics. Don’t take Physics. Ever. Even when I teach it. Gah. Jen Bongster told me earlier this one phrase- “Its good to try/do your best in everything, but its not necessary to be passionate about everything.”…

>oh confusion and lethargy strikes me

> hahahhahhahaha what the eff? Anyways, what is happening these days? Well Jennifer Bong’s birthday turned out to be a big disaster. But thats ok, because friends came out anyways and we had a good old time. I could rant and stuff, but I’ve decided to curb that bitter taste and talk about other things….

>Its been awhile old friend.

>Well my last post was quite awhile ago. I’m not sure what happened. Oh yes actually I do. Facebook. 😛 But lets talk about the Facebook epidemic for a second. What exactly is so catchy about Facebook? It defintely makes it a lot easier to contact people you havent seen in awhile. Although there is…

>Good Times

>This has been the best year I have ever had in my life. Thank you everybody and everyone. I’ve been blessed with life, with good friends, with stamina and endurance, and the ability to make the right decisions. Well most of the time. 😛 Thanks. Thanks to friends, family and God. Also thanks to University…


>OMGROFLBBQLOlROFLCOPTER. I scored among a certain percentile in my faculty . Like awesomeness. I have never done this. LIKE EVER. FRICK. I’m very happy. Like REALLY FREAKING HAPPY. Why is this summer so good? I keep thinking that something bad is going to happen, with all this happiness being dumped on my lap. “knock on…

>Is this summer wicked? Yes, yes it is.

>So this summer promises to be one of the best summers ever (knock on wood). First; student teaching is awesome. I love it. Although there’s a lot more work involved than I thought would be, talking with some friends, we justified it, in the sense that it’s a job. No matter how much you love…