Samsung DA-E750 Wireless Audio Sound Dock IRL Review

Samsung DA-E750 Wireless Audio Sound Dock IRL (In Real Life) Review- The e750 (short from now on) was a premium wireless audio dock that could stream over bluetooth APT-X, Apple Airplay, direct Apple 30 pin, and Android MicroUSB and 3.5mm analog. It was one of those products that I would walk by in the store and…

>Yay for school. Yes? No?

>Basic English for Japanese 101 OMG – I’m cleaning my room and slowly adjusting to the nagging feeling I should be buying my textbooks and reading them. I can’t stand this. Right now all I feel is that I wished summer was back again. I mean its great to be back seeing everybody again, but…

>sigh, time for ipod heaven

>After spending just over 2 years pounding my iPod to my runs/workouts/everyday commuting between classes, the little guy has gone to iPod heaven. Or wherever iPods go when they die. Maybe even the trash. Its too bad though, cause this iPod has been with me everywhere, and it has the best user interface I’ve ever…

>Hi. Summer is officially here!

> Wow, what a week. So normally I would have had a really big 32 font size- OMG I AM DONE FINALS, but I was so tired from staying up this week, that I just slept. Basically last week was a big gong show with lots of stress, no sleep, and staying up all night…