Birthday weekend, summer bland and what now?

In other news, I’m pretty bored- I am not lacking things to do- I have tons, I just kind of miss the constant learning that spring term was putting on me. Every day having assigned readings, seeing friends in class….I’m addicted to school. I just found it really stimulating to be in the classroom all…

>The nokia n82 in black/its time to celebrate the holidays

> The gloriousness that the N82 should have been released under is here. In black. Its hot and it has functions that make the hot hotter and grammar irrelevant. Expected to arrive in February 2008, Q1 of 2008 as predicted. That is so so awesome. Anyways, I have no officially organized Jennifer Bong’s second party….

>oh confusion and lethargy strikes me

> hahahhahhahaha what the eff? Anyways, what is happening these days? Well Jennifer Bong’s birthday turned out to be a big disaster. But thats ok, because friends came out anyways and we had a good old time. I could rant and stuff, but I’ve decided to curb that bitter taste and talk about other things….


>32 people. One corner of the Old Spaghetti Factory. And incredibly fun time. And also a pain in the butt to organize. But Alice/Elly/Elliot/Alex/Ellis is 21. W00t Boys just wanna have fun. Boys also wanna sing My bitches. Just kidding, dont kill me. 😛 The guy in the middle wants to talk to you Theres…

>Is this summer wicked? Yes, yes it is.

>So this summer promises to be one of the best summers ever (knock on wood). First; student teaching is awesome. I love it. Although there’s a lot more work involved than I thought would be, talking with some friends, we justified it, in the sense that it’s a job. No matter how much you love…

>Hi. Summer is officially here!

> Wow, what a week. So normally I would have had a really big 32 font size- OMG I AM DONE FINALS, but I was so tired from staying up this week, that I just slept. Basically last week was a big gong show with lots of stress, no sleep, and staying up all night…